New Rochelle NY eye care
What exactly is astigmatism? Well, along with myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness), it is a refractive condition that results in less than ideal vision. The good news is that with eyeglasses or contact lenses, your astigmatism can be corrected and you can experience the best vision that you are capable of achieving. That is the goal of our
New Rochelle NY eye care, and our optometrist, Dr. Chris DiGiorgio.
The shape of your eye is largely responsible for whether or not you suffer from astigmatism. It is supposed to resemble a circle. But when astigmatism is present, it tends to be shaped more like a spoon. This is significant because it has an impact on what happens in the process of light entering your eye through the cornea and being directed back to the retina so that images can be formed. This misshapen quality of your eye leads to the light bending unevenly. It then refracts more in one direction than the other. The result is that your eyesight looks more wavy or blurry, and this occurs at all distances: up close, far away, and in the intermediate range. It can be present with our without myopia or hyperopia, but typically you will have at least one of those other issues in addition to astigmatism. Our New Rochelle NY eye care will diagnose you during a routine eye exam, recommended once per year. You will be prescribed the applicable glasses or contacts needed to address the situation. Blurry or wavy vision is not always due to astigmatism, however. It can be the sign of other concerns, including some common eye diseases. This is all the more reason why you should commit yourself to a yearly eye exam.
Take advantage of what our
New Rochelle NY eye care has to offer. Whether you are experiencing symptoms now, or you have simply not had an eye exam in a while, call us right now and book yours.
By Dr. Chris DiGiorgio
June 15, 2017
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