10805 cataract treatment
If you are having trouble driving at night or seeing the television, you may have cataracts. At our vision practice, Dr. Chris DiGiorgio, people are able to come in and meet with our eye doctor, Dr. Chris DiGiorgio or Dr. Jesse Fertig, for a comprehensive eye exam which can include
10805 cataract treatment.
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye. It can occur in one or both eyes and generally occurs as people age. Today, cataracts can easily be diagnosed during a comprehensive eye exam, and if found can be easily fixed using laser cataract surgery. During this procedure the natural lens of the eye is removed and is replaced with a clear man-made lens. This procedure is extremely safe and effective and generally needs to be performed eventually when a patient has cataracts in order to avoid blindness. However, it is impossible for a doctor to tell how far a cataract will progress. While some patients choose to have surgery immediately, others choose to come to us for 10805 cataract treatment. Many times our patients’ vision can be corrected with a new prescription when they have cataracts. This can sometimes occur many times until our eye doctor determines that eye surgery is needed. Better lighting at home will also help you to perform certain tasks. Our eye doctor will assess your cataract situation and continue to provide you with prescription changes so that you can continue to see clearly. However, our eye doctor will let you know when your vision is reaching the point that you will need to have cataract surgery in order for your vision to be fixed once and for all. At this point, our eye doctor can refer you to an eye surgeon who specializes in laser procedure. Cataract surgery is performed on an outpatient basis while the patient remains perfectly comfortable due to the use of anesthetic eye drops.
For an appointment to meet with our eye doctor for a complete eye exam and possible
10805 cataract treatment, contact us today.
By Dr. Chris DiGiorgio
January 17, 2017
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